Creative Writing-After School Assignments

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An Ending to Remember  in Google Classroom

An Ending to Remember

How does your story end?
1. Do you have a clear idea? If so, provide a brief description and turn it in.
2. If not, write in the comments that you are still working on it.


Plotting Your Story  in Google Classroom

Plotting Your Story

You know your hero. You know your villain. You have a rough idea of what will happen in your story. Now it is time to plot it out.
Create a google document in which you OUTLINE your story. Your outline must include:
1. The Introduction: Where your hero begins/home/business as usual.
2. The Inciting Incident: What sets the action of the story in motion?
3. Rising Action: This is the beginning/middle of the hero's journey. What obstacles must they face before the climax?
4. The climax: This is the Ultimate Battle your hero must overcome.
5. The falling action: In which the hero must put the pieces back together.
6. The Resolution: How does it all end? Or does it...


Creating a Villain  in Google Classroom

Creating a Villain

You cast your spell. You began to create your fantasy character and world. Now, who will be the antagonist of your hero? Who is the villain in your story?

1. Name
2. Age
3. Physical Description
4. Type of Magical creature (see previous assignment for an extensive list of options.)
5. Not all villains begin as evil babies and terrible toddlers. What traumatic event took place in your villain's life which made him/her turn away from the light?
6. Why does your villain wish to stop at nothing to prevent your hero from succeeding?


The Spell Caster in Google Classroom

The Spell Caster

Last week we wrote spells.
This week, we will write about the characters casting them.

1. Choose your Fantasy Character Type:

Are you a(an): angel, demon, changeling, dragon, dwarf, dryad, elf, fairy , witch or wizard,
firebird, gnome, goblin, griffin, hydra, muse, troll, vampire, werewolf or...human with unknown power?

2. NAME your character.

3. Explain WHY this character Needs to perform this spell.

4. Write a short story (500 word minimum) in which you show your character casting the spell, and what happens after.


Mix Up Magic in Google Classroom

Mix Up Magic

Double, double, toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble!
Create a magical spell. What will it be used for?
First write a list of ingredients and then write your method.
Number your instructions so they are easier to follow.
How long will it take to prepare? to cook?
Name the spell after it is written.