Grading Policy
How do I receive or access my child’s report card?
You will need to log into your NYC Schools Account. Click on Grades and you will see your child’s report card. If you do not have access to your child’s NYC School Account, please contact Ms. Alexa by email.
How do I access my child’s google classroom?
You will need to use your child’s doe username and password to log in to have access to the classroom to read any notifications. Parents cannot comment on google classroom. If you need to contact a teacher please use our staff directory on our school website or GAMA. Grade Level Google Classrooms during the summer should be checked once a week for any updates given out during the summer.
Honors Placements:
Every year students take the I-Ready Diagnostics (3x a year) in both Math & ELA. Students are eligible to be placed in honors, if they have achieved MID or Above Current Grade level on I-Ready for Math & ELA. I-Ready Diagnostics are sent by the Math & ELA teachers after each diagnostic. If you did not receive your child's scores, you can request them by emailing Ms. Liberta [email protected]
Your child has to be eligible each year to be placed in the honors class, they do not automatically have an honors seat if they were in it the year before.
8th Grade Honors students take: Algebra 1 & Living Environment
8th Grade Science Magnet students take the Earth Science Regents. (Must be in the Science Magnet for 3 years)
8th Grade Advanced Math Magnet students will take the Geometry Regents. (Must be in the advanced Math Magnet for 3 years)
2024-2025 Admin Support
Your child’s Grade Level Assistant Principal should receive all your academic concerns.
6th Grade- Ms. Liberta [email protected]
7th Grade- Mr. Esposito [email protected]
8th Grade-Ms. Johnson [email protected]
Special Education -Ms. Schneider [email protected]
Instructional AP: Mr. Herman [email protected]
Grading Policy
All Major Subjects: Math, ELA, Science & Social Studies:
Minors & Magnets:
Physical Education: