613-Mr. Goldin Assignments

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Zoom links and Farewell in Google Classroom

Zoom links and Farewell

Dear classes,
Remember today is a half day - so I wanted to combine classes for the ceremonies. Ceremonies will begin at 915am.... and then there will be another one around 10:15am as well.
After 9:20am - you will be waiting in the waiting room for the next ceremony...

Konstantyn Goldin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Mr. Goldin's Farewell Ceremony
Time: Jun 26, 2020 09:15 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 936 4549 8988
Password: 043355
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,93645498988#,,,,0#,,043355# US (New York)
+13017158592,,93645498988#,,,,0#,,043355# US (Germantown)

Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 936 4549 8988
Password: 043355
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/advWKT3q9

Enjoy your last day of school!!!


End Of The Year Feedback Form in Google Classroom

End Of The Year Feedback Form


Announcement (June 25th, 2020) in Google Classroom

Announcement (June 25th, 2020)

Good Morning wonderful students,

I am starting to get emotional - we have ONLY 2 days left - today and half of tomorrow together!

Remember at 10:00 AM tomorrow I am holding a special ZOOM - you'll find a link to our meeting in my "FAREWELL ANNOUNCEMENT" around 7:30 AM tomorrow!

Make the most of today and tomorrow but remember I am always here for you!


End Of The Year Reflections in Google Classroom

End Of The Year Reflections

Attached is a link to Buncee for End Of The Year Reflections - however you may choose to post on either of these as well:

You can also choose to add a video reflection to FlipGrid (https://flipgrid.com/53979882) or a reflection on Padlet (https://padlet.com/kgoldin/tx9hqq83jziil4cy)


Memory Book  in Google Classroom

Memory Book

This week is meant for you to create memories / a reflection/ a positive ending to this year for yourself!

Take your time and enjoy it!! I can't wait to see all the memory books!!! : )
So just attach the Memory Book when you are done with it here - by tomorrow !!

Make sure to save it yourself - to go back to in the future <3


Announcement (June 23rd, 2020) in Google Classroom

Announcement (June 23rd, 2020)

Good Morning Scientists,
Sadly - our time together is ticking away -
1- Today continue working on your Memory Book- if you have completed it that's great! I look forward to reading them soon! Make sure you take the time to save them for your own memories!!
2-Wednesday (Final Messages), Thursday (Feedback Form), and Friday (LIVE ceremonies & FINAL check- in)
Youtube Channel and Website will be announced on Friday as well!
3- If you are coming to our virtual get together today please note that the movie is 1hr and 38 minutes long!
--- Bring your stuffed animals ( I am bringing mine)
Zoom link - Doors Open @ 12:45 PM

Konstantyn Goldin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Mr. Goldin's Get Together "Princess & The Frog"
Time: Jun 23, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 973 7571 2972
Password: 298113
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,97375712972#,,,,0#,,298113# US (New York)
+13017158592,,97375712972#,,,,0#,,298113# US (Germantown)

Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 973 7571 2972
Password: 298113
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aifarQyAQ


Virtual Field Trip Day 5: Dry Tortugas in Google Classroom

Virtual Field Trip Day 5: Dry Tortugas

Final Day of Virtual Tours !!


Announcement (June 19th, 2020) in Google Classroom

Announcement (June 19th, 2020)

Next week will be student choice activities some of which WILL not be due the same day. I would love to spend those last 5 days reflecting on our year together ❤ even if you decided to be annoying some times 🤣🤣#kidding

I am upset that next week is the last week although we all need a break !!!

I hope you will join us for these LIVE EVENTS :

-A virtual ceremony - end of the year farewell 😢 : June 25th 2pm (Unless something comes up) - but we will still have this!

-Princess & The Frog (1pm on Tuesday)

**There may be more LIVE sessions announced on Monday!

Next weeks activities :
Memory Book
Science Bingo
Messages for Future Students of Mine (Could still be you if I do some 7th Grade sections )
Feedback /Reflection Form



Virtual Field Trip Day 4: Bryce Canyon in Google Classroom

Virtual Field Trip Day 4: Bryce Canyon


Announcement (June 18, 2020)  in Google Classroom

Announcement (June 18, 2020)

Good Luck on your Math Honors Exam Today!!! Please- take your time on it & take it seriously!

I've always believed in you from day one and still believe in you!

- I am almost finished with the schedule for a fun week next week!

- It was amazing to see some of you at our one - on- one virtual concerts -- the students that have in person visits scheduled (see you tomorrow - so exciting!)

---Always reach out to me if you need anything !!

See you all "virtually" around! *high five*


What day and time works best for you for our virtual movie screening next week?  in Google Classroom

What day and time works best for you for our virtual movie screening next week?

There will be other live events that week that I am hosting... this is a viewing of Princess & The Frog ---
Come spend time with us!


Announcement (June 17th, 2020)  in Google Classroom

Announcement (June 17th, 2020)

Good Morning Lovely People,

** If you scheduled a visit on zoom or in person - please show up - it is a waste of my time if I wait and you have not been responsible enough to remember that we have one**
3 days left (including today) of quick virtual tours !!!
Next week's schedule - I'll announce on Friday - plenty of LIVE activities as well!

Miss you all so much!


Virtual Field Trip Day 3: Carlsbad Caverns in Google Classroom

Virtual Field Trip Day 3: Carlsbad Caverns

Enjoy today's virtual field trip!


Virtual Field Trip Day 2: Hawaii Volcanoes in Google Classroom

Virtual Field Trip Day 2: Hawaii Volcanoes

Please continue adding posts to the Virtual Tours Padlet -

Include name, class, and name of the tour -
Ex. Mr. Goldin (class #) Hawaii Volconoes
I think ...


Announcement (June 16th, 2020) in Google Classroom

Announcement (June 16th, 2020)

All in-person socially distant visits have been cancelled for today -You can try to reschedule for the last week of school- I am still making my Friday ones -- If you do not reschedule I can always send you a zoom link instead of the in person visit (for those of you who have it today)
If you have requested a Zoom meeting visit - you are expected to be there on- time - I will only wait 2-3 minutes after the scheduled time for you!!!

Zoom Class Meetings - I am trying to plan out next week & with all the individual zoom meetings its harder to make one!! However, we will have more of them coming up - I love seeing all of you who join! Try your best especially with only 9 (school days) left!

Dates & Times are still available for individual meetings (you can do zoom during the school day or a socially distant concert after school in person) : *subject to change (link attached)

Just post readit and submit as always!


Virtual Field Trip Day 1: Kenai Fjords in Google Classroom

Virtual Field Trip Day 1: Kenai Fjords

All the links are attached : )

***All grades are now doing virtual tours - the 6th grade is doing the same virtual tours- I decided for you all to use Padlet - so you can interact with one another ***

1. Watch the Intro Video
2. Explore for 5 minutes
3. Post your thoughts on my 6th Grade Padlet



Announcement (June 15th, 2020) in Google Classroom

Announcement (June 15th, 2020)

Just write Readit after you have fully read this announcement :

*I cannot believe we have 2 weeks left together - and I do feel lucky I had such wonderful students this year!*

*I will host a few zoom sessions this week - and next week *

Remember there will be an awards / farewell ceremony on June 25th 2pm : )

Also, there will be a special ZOOM sleepover party - we will be watching Princess & The Frog ( Believe it or not it can be fun as well as educational) I hope you will join me !!!
***Did I mention I love Disney?***

There will be other activities in store for you all - to create memories and some kind of closure for the 6th Grade!

Although this virus might have robbed you of a normal "ending" to the 6th Grade- I'll make sure you remember this year in a positive way!

*sending positive vibes your way* *air hugs* *high fives*


5 Minute Fiesta & Suggestions  in Google Classroom

5 Minute Fiesta & Suggestions

Hi wonderful students,

Here is your check in for today!

1) You can join the 5 minute fiesta - at 12pm (You will see the link on your grade level google classroom)

2) If you aren't able to make the 5 minute fiesta - write me a suggestion for activities for the last week of school. I plan on it being a reflection week- full of sharing memories etc. - after you have done so - click "mark as done" , "turn in", or "submit" and have a good weekend!!!!!


Test your knowledge in Google Classroom

Test your knowledge

Let's see what you've learned in 6th grade with me!

What you get on this will not matter at all 😃 this is for your own benefit! Whatever you get wrong - you can study up on in the summer to be ready for 7th Grade!

This is your "last" serious assignment, tomorrow is a check in- next week virtual tours- and last week I have some fun activities. As long as you show up daily your average will not drop :]


Link to the Quizizz 😃


Edpuzzle | Cloud Formation - How Clouds Form in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Cloud Formation - How Clouds Form


Announcement Tuesday June 9th in Google Classroom

Announcement Tuesday June 9th

Please follow the link to sign up for a time and day in order to have a social distant visit from me.

I am visiting some students in person or you can arrange a zoom meeting as well. If you are doing either please schedule it in my calendar. Thank you!

I'll see you remotely soon!
-- I'll also be announcing our talent show soon- and for that I'd like to record some songs with students. Email me if youd like to record a duet with me!!--

Miss you all-
None of these are required! Once you read - just submit with the code readit2020 --- [so I can catch those that skip through announcements]


Neil DeGrasse Tyson opens up about personal obstacles as a young black physicist [video] in Google Classroom

Neil DeGrasse Tyson opens up about personal obstacles as a young black physicist [video]

You will need to use your gmail account to sign in !! You have already been imported into my class.

Today is Clerical Day for Teachers - so I'll be here but I may not answer questions.

After today, we will finish up weather & climate!


Edpuzzle | Weather Maps in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Weather Maps


The past few days have been rough in NYC, how are you feeling with everything going on? How can we take moments like these in history and think about them mindfully? Explain in Google Classroom

The past few days have been rough in NYC, how are you feeling with everything going on? How can we take moments like these in history and think about them mindfully? Explain

1. I will start socially distance visiting students next week - you will get an email from me or some form of communication with parents- I was going to do that today but we have a threat of thunderstorms!
2. We will finish up Weather / Climate next week pretty much!
3. Then I think we will have virtual trips as a science department [I dont think I'll be doing my own thing so bare with me]
4. Last week will be full of fun activities!
We will share memories and reflections!!

Please note :
When I was in school- I'd "shut down" in June - nothing mattered but the end of the school year! Please do not think that way- this is your chance to make a powerful/collaborative impact on your learning -- I promise I'll make the rest of our time together fun as possible just like I would in class!

For today - just answer the question and dont forget to try your best to join the 5 minute fiesta. If there is a meeting I'll post it as well, we will have a lot of live activities in the coming weeks.


How does weather impact our world? Explain in Google Classroom

How does weather impact our world? Explain


After watching at least 10-15 min of this documentary ( I hope you'll watch more when you have time) -

Answer the question + submit!


Edpuzzle | 101-Year-Old Weather Observer Still at Work in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | 101-Year-Old Weather Observer Still at Work


Edpuzzle | Severe Weather in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Severe Weather


Edpuzzle | Weather: Weather Channels in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Weather: Weather Channels


Check in in Google Classroom

Check in

Checking up on you all today!

Use the nickname : goldincheckin for google meets today @ 1:50pm for some quick live interaction & so that we can see one another.

Also- make sure to keep joining the 5 minute fiesta every Friday!


Edpuzzle | Temperature in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Temperature


Edpuzzle | Weather vs. Climate - Heather Evans in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Weather vs. Climate - Heather Evans


5 Minute Fiesta! in Google Classroom

5 Minute Fiesta!

Today's assignment is to participate in the 5 Minute Fiesta at 12pm. You can wear costumes, hats, sunglasses, etc. There is a prize awarded every Friday! ENJOY! 😃
The link will be posted on your grade site.

--just submit that you read this and if you are attending or not able to attend as well--

Make up any work you can as well! See you LIVE on google meets next week & drawings for competitions and virtual visits will happen soon. I'll email the winners!!


Time To Climb - Water Cycle Quiz in Google Classroom

Time To Climb - Water Cycle Quiz

When you get to the title page of "Time to Climb" wait for it to load!

This should be fun- enjoy it! Make sure to read all the announcements on slide 1 + 2...click on the water cycle picture and it will take you to the assignment (on slide 3)


Nearpod - Final in Google Classroom

Nearpod - Final

Today, you will learn about precipitation and do a quiz (its a practice one)!
Make sure you read the announcements on the first and second page! The link to the assignment is on the third page!


Edpuzzle | Condensation in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Condensation

1st slide contains important daily announcements

2nd slide is the assignment [click on the puzzle piece]


Nearpod : Condensation in Google Classroom

Nearpod : Condensation

Happy Monday,

Read the announcement and assignment details in my Bitmoji Slideshow!


Are You Smarter Than A 3rd Grader? Audition Tapes in Google Classroom

Are You Smarter Than A 3rd Grader? Audition Tapes

***5/15/20 Announcement***
- Please make sure to catch up with all of your assignments !!!
-Apply to be on our first Virtual Science Spinoff Show of the year (Are You Smarter Than a 3rd Grader ? ) by clicking the link -


Follow all the instructions listed on FlipGrid if you are choosing to participate in our first spinoff show!!!!!
***More competitive games & events will be announced in the coming weeks - lets make the following weeks ones we can all remember for a lifetime! I have to make sure you will never forget your first year in middle school : )
Please join the 5 Minute Fiesta Dance Party that our school has every Friday. The zoom link will be posted on your grade level google classroom or remind app by 12pm.


Edpuzzle | Water Cycle in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Water Cycle

Please take your time and watch the video carefully. As always Edpuzzle will ask you questions as you watch it.


Water Cycle (Your choice) in Google Classroom

Water Cycle (Your choice)

Visit my slides to learn more about your choices for this assignment and important reminders/information for this week!


Water Cycle (Part One) in Google Classroom

Water Cycle (Part One)

See attached file : )


Weather Patterns (Pre-Test) in Google Classroom

Weather Patterns (Pre-Test)

This is a Pre-Test - please take your time so I can see what you know about our new Unit!
- This will not be graded as a Test
-It will tell me how much time you spent on each question which will determine if you put effort into the assignment : )


Impact at IS228 in Google Classroom

Impact at IS228

I have assigned you a Buncee!

If you have joined my class on Buncee - you can login and look at your assignments.
- This is your "weekly check-in"

--In case you haven't joined :
1. Go to- https://app.edu.buncee.com/choose-account-type
* on the right it asks "Are you a student? Enter class code"

- Class Code for 613 is 4398


Join My Buncee Class in Google Classroom

Join My Buncee Class

Use the code 4398 to Join !
1. Go to Buncee.com
2. https://app.edu.buncee.com/choose-account-type
* on the right it asks "Are you a student? Enter class code"


Final Ecology QUIZ in Google Classroom

Final Ecology QUIZ

Please take your time with this one! Also, use notes or think before you answer the questions!

- Categories will be updated - grades will range from 80-100!


5/6 Announcement in Google Classroom

5/6 Announcement

Today you can spend some time editing your slides- otherwise please turn them in!
Google meet nickname stays the same for today's meeting.. you can start joining after 12:40pm!
Meet.google.com - nickname is goldinrocks!!
If you are done- review information we have studied [food chains, Food Webs, Adaptations, and photosynthesis].. you will have a small quick assesment tomorrow. Let's finish this week strong! #teacherappreciationweek #nursesday!

Miss You All!

-I figured this is the best way for you to see my announcements if they appear as assignments 😃 After you read it, press mark as done or turn it in! Thank you!


Cinco De Mayo in Google Classroom

Cinco De Mayo


May The Fourth Be With You in Google Classroom

May The Fourth Be With You


Weekly Check in in Google Classroom

Weekly Check in


Google Meet Schedule for this Week in Google Classroom

Google Meet Schedule for this Week

Monday 1pm - Link will be sent via email at 12:50 pm! (Possible weekly meditation/mindfulness sessions - parents & guardians are welcome to attend)

Wednesday 1pm - Link will be sent via email at 12:50 pm (Guest - Singer)

Friday 1pm - If no guest then a Kahoot or Live game with all 4 classes -- Weekly review of all the lessons we've done this week!

I know you all have tons of things to do daily - these google meets are not mandatory but its nice to see you all live & interact!
I emailed with other teachers to make sure that my google meet schedule DOES NOT interfere with their schedule!
Also attached are GOOGLE MEET RULES - please read them!

***this assignment is obviously not graded its just for you all to see the information because when I put it in materials you don't always see them***


Photosynthesis Choice Board in Google Classroom

Photosynthesis Choice Board

Choose an activity you would like to complete! You can attach it to this assignment and mark the assignment as done!

This activity is to test your knowledge of photosynthesis but to also to give you a freedom of how you want to display what you learned this week to me.

My Bitmoji will guide you towards the activity of your choice!!

Have fun!


Bye Bye Plagiarism  (Photosynthesis Paraphrasing Practice) in Google Classroom

Bye Bye Plagiarism (Photosynthesis Paraphrasing Practice)

Remember to make sure your username can be traced back to you!
Try to have it look like this (FirstNameLastInitialClass#)


Edpuzzle | Photosynthesis  (Photosynthesis) in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Photosynthesis (Photosynthesis)


Cellular Respiration in Google Classroom

Cellular Respiration

Make sure you use your full name or your first name and last name initial as a nickname example : Konstantyn G


Earth Day Choice Board (Day 1) in Google Classroom

Earth Day Choice Board (Day 1)

1)Take a look at the choice board
2)You will complete an activity from the choice board due by tomorrow!

You still have to press "mark as done" in this assignment and write what steps & activity you chose to do over these 2 days - you can do that by creating or attaching a google doc (make a list)
- Tomorrow you will attach your finished activity to the assignment titled (Earth Day Choice Board (Day 2)
I suggest you begin the activity today and tomorrow finish it up - balance the 2 days out!

Have fun : )


Earth Week Submissions in Google Classroom

Earth Week Submissions

Please submit your Completed Activity!
*Watch the youtube video on how you would contribute on Wakelet! -
Go on Wakelet by clicking the attachment!
When it asks you for your name - you can write : FirstNameLastInitialClass - EXAMPLE : KonstantynG613
Thank you!
Mark as done when you are done contributing on Wakelet!


Quiz #1 in Google Classroom

Quiz #1

Take your time - there are only 4 questions but if you rush through them .. you will end up with a low quiz grade. Every question is worth 25 points.
Spend at least 2-4 minutes on each question.

When you put in your username it has to be in this format: First name and Last name initial (if not available make sure it makes sense for me to know who you are )
example: Konstantyn G.


Virtual tour #5 in Google Classroom

Virtual tour #5

Follow the document!


Virtual tour #4 in Google Classroom

Virtual tour #4

Follow the instructions in the document!


Virtual tour #3 in Google Classroom

Virtual tour #3

Keep following the directions in the document!


Virtual tour #2 in Google Classroom

Virtual tour #2

Follow the instructions in the document!


Quizizz - What do you know about COVID-19? in Google Classroom

Quizizz - What do you know about COVID-19?

Have fun!


Edpuzzle | Biodiversity in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Biodiversity

Remember to follow the link & use your gmail account info to get into Edpuzzle!


Nearpod - Coral Reef Biodiversity in Google Classroom

Nearpod - Coral Reef Biodiversity

Please complete this lesson in NearPod ..

Once you finish it up - it will save - do not worry! Press turn in on here so I know that you are done... all answers go into NearPod automatically as you do them : )


 Ecosystems (Test your Knowledge) in Google Classroom

Ecosystems (Test your Knowledge)

Test your knowledge on Ecosystems by completing ALL of the 16 questions!


Positive News in Google Classroom

Positive News

Today is Friday so let's keep things simple..

Create a google doc and attach it- make sure you turn it in!!

Choose an article that has a positive vibe in it even if we are going through tough times now.
.-provide your :
Class, Name, Date, link to the article, and a short paragraph about why you chose to share it with me.

[This is for you finding some positive energy & learning to use the turn in button as well! ]


Edpuzzle | Virtual Field Trip - Amazon Rainforest in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Virtual Field Trip - Amazon Rainforest

Once you visit the link, you may only be able to play it on Youtube!
Please keep in mind that you must answer the questions in the google form- in this case.

It is also attached!


Edpuzzle | Ecosystems and Biomes (Ecosystems and Biomes) in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Ecosystems and Biomes (Ecosystems and Biomes)

Please visit the link - and watch the video. As the video goes on it will stop to ask you some questions.

You must complete all of the questions : )


Our Google Classroom Rules in Google Classroom

Our Google Classroom Rules

Please read these Google Classroom Rules-

Once you have read them post your name in the bottom!

This is how your attendance is taken for Day 1 of digital learning!

--We will also try to have a ZOOM video chat meeting to talk about the week - and then you will be expected to write a reflection about your experiences with ZOOM!