Parent Coordinator: Ms. Alexa
718 3757635 ext 1132
[email protected]
Parent/Guardian Accounts:
NY Schools Account- Access Report cards, Child Education Information, Enrollment form for tax purposes, IEP information, Bussing information, and much more.
Forms to be filled out:
COVID Consent
Military Form
MEDIA Consent
My Schools Account- HS Applications (8th Grade families only)
Remind APP: All families should be connected to the Remind APP to stay up to date with all of the school's information.
Grade Level Google Classroom(use your child’s log in)/Guardian Summaries(parent email connected to your child’s google classroom)
Pupil Path- Parent App to check online portal that enables parents and students to track the progress of their child in all the subjects. Details regarding student progress include grades, assignments, certificates, anecdotal requirements, completion requirements, and relevant tests. Parent registration codes will be provided the first week of school.
BLUE CARD (PAST DUE)-Every child every year must fill out a blue card. It is most important this gets completed as soon as possible. They are available on your child’s grade level google classroom.
MEDICAL FORM(PAST DUE)-for 6th Grade students only. Due September 13 uploaded into the grade level google classroom
COVID CONSENT FORM(PAST DUE)- To give permission or to deny covid testing. Complete on the NYC Schools Account
MEDIA CONSENT FORM(PAST DUE)-To give permission to allow us to photograph your child and use pictures for educational purposes only. We have a lot of amazing school events and we would like to share with our families. Complete on the NYC Schools Account
MYSCHOOLS(ONGOING)- 8th Grade Parents Only- Begin to sign into MySCHOOLs to start the HS process.
If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out to our AMAZING Parent Coordinator, Ms. Alexa via email, remind app or call the school.